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👍 ‼️必買‼️ 哥斯大黎加藍火山藝伎厭氧日曬

👍 ‼️必買‼️ 哥斯大黎加藍火山藝伎厭氧日曬


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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Costa Rica Volcan Azul Geisha Anaerobic Natural


Origin (產地) :Costa Rica (哥斯大黎加)
Region (產區): Valle Occidental
Farm (莊園): Volcan azul (藍火山)
Producer (生產者): Alejo Castro Kahle
Varietal (品種)Geisha
Altitude (種植高度): 1600m
Grade (等級): SHB EP
Process (處理法): Anaerobic natural (厭氧日曬)



風味:Strawberry gum, tropical fruitconfiture, peach, juicy, long aftertaste

Anaerobic process

We are using anaerobic tanks with a valve that lets the oxygen out and will be replaced with CO2. We can start this process with a Fully Washed, Yellow Honey, Red Honey and Natural process. Then we are developing different recipes by measuring time, temperature, ph (acidity) and Brix content of the mucilage inside the tank. It's important to say that we are not adding strange stuff to this process, we just want to develop or enhance flavours we naturally have in our coffee with the help of the autochthonous yeast from our farm. We have our FOREST SHADE ANAEROBIC for lower temperatures and our WARM ANAEROBIC with direct contact with sunlight. After this, the coffee is taken to the drying patio or raised beds, it will be stirred each day from 8 am to 2 pm. At 2 pm we start covering the coffee with plastic, so we maintain it warm during the night and won´t gain humidity from the mist we normally have during the early morning. This process will take between 7 and 16 days.

Volcan Azul

Alejo belongs to the fifth generation of coffee growers. He enjoys experimenting with different varieties and processes, as a result of which he is now able to offer this excellent micro lot of natural Caturra produced at his Hacienda Colima farm.

Coffee production began in America in the mid-19th-century. It was at that same time that two pioneering families originally from Europe set up a coffee business, the Spanish Castro-Jimenez family in Costa Rica, and the German Kahle family in the Chiapas region of Mexico. Alejo belongs to the fifth generation of the Castro-Kahle family, which has been growing coffee on the slopes of the Poas Volcano in central Costa Rica for more than 100 years.
Coffee is not a specialty for the Castro-Kahle clan, but a tradition. They cultivate Caturra, Catuai, Geisha, SL28, Villasarchi, Sarchimor, Obata, San Isidro, and Venecia.
The family has chosen to conserve some 200 hectares of forest located above their coffee fields in order to preserve the local biodiversity. They have also bought 1,500 hectares of primary forest in the Osa Peninsula in the south of the country.
Fauna and flora are sacrosanct in Costa Rica, and according to Alejo, it must be what gives the coffee so much flavor. The soils on the slopes of the Poas Volcano are enriched with the volcanic dust that falls after each eruption.
Alejo has a real passion for the different coffee varieties and processes, and each year tries his hand at innovating, combining, concocting, and refining his coffees just like an alchemist.

Volcan Azul

藍火山位於哥斯大黎加西部谷地產區,因為優異的地理環境,使其區塊的微型氣候造就了完美的咖啡果實,優異的風味,大幅增加了獲得C.O.E優勝莊園的機率。莊園坐落在Azul火山旁,已經有一百多年的歷史,19世紀末Kahle家族從墨西哥移民到了哥斯大黎加和哥大當地Alejo家族,因為有著共同的目標:「為了生產世界上最好的咖啡」,選擇在新大陸一起展開了他們的咖啡夢。現在是由第六代Alejo Castro管理莊園,以生產微批次的品種為主,全程人工摘採咖啡果實並且再次手工挑選,只保留成熟鮮紅的部分。除了致力於咖啡品質的提昇,莊園主更深知生態環境保育的重要,買下超過1500英畝的雨林,除了為子孫保留大地之神的恩賜,也希望能為減緩地球暖化盡一些力量。 



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